What does being indifferent means to the Stoics

           Virtues and vices are within ourselves and our control. The virtues are the only good for the Stoics while vices as the only bad. Everything outside our control is neither good nor bad. These can include death, health, sickness, weather, reputation, and wealth.

            The Stoics classified indifference as preferred and unfavored. What the modern age defines as good such as wealth, power and fame are what the Stoics called preferred indifferent. They are not good or bad. While they prefer to have them they perfectly be okay without them. 

          Note that the Stoics taught us that the ultimate source of happiness – one that cannot be taken away – are within our control and this can be achieved with virtues alone and being a good person. What the modern age defines as bad such as health, sickness and bad weather are what the Stoics called unfavored indifferent. They are not good or bad. While they prefer not to have them when they do happen they embrace them with full acceptance and tranquility.

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