Read more about the article Letters from a Stoic 32 – Summary and Key Takeaways
Letters from a Stoic 32 Key TakeAways

Letters from a Stoic 32 – Summary and Key Takeaways

               In letters from a stoic 32, Seneca talks about avoiding the crowd which he also talked about in letter 7. He has been warning Lucilius about associating with people whose goals and ideals are different than his. “This is sound practice—to refrain from associating with men of different stamp and different aims. “           He said that these people may hinder his progress towards self-…

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Read more about the article How I write my Stoic Journals
What is Stoicism - Main Tenets - Best Quotes - Stoic Philosophers

How I write my Stoic Journals

          The Stoics are widely known for journaling. The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote his personal reflections regularly to what we would know now as the Meditations. Seneca, a Stoic widely for his letters sent to Lucilius, seemed to do his journaling at night. “When the light has been removed and my wife has fallen silent, aware of this habit that’s now mine, I examine my entire day and go back…

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10 Stoicism Videos to Start Your Day Right!

               It is okay to have bad days. We all have at some point feel like we don't have the motivation to do daunting tasks ahead of us. There so many factors to our body’s conditioning that although we have prepared ourselves the night before we still feel like we have less energy for the day's work. What works sometimes is to watch motivational videos. Here are some of the…

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Read more about the article Top 20 Quotes About Death by the Ancient Stoics
Top 20 Quotes About Death by the Ancient Stoics

Top 20 Quotes About Death by the Ancient Stoics

      Memento Mori, a Latin phrase which means “Remember You Must Die”, is a popular practice among ancient stoics to remind themselves of their mortality. This might sound unusual after hearing it for the first time and for some sounds scary but actually it can make one be more appreciative of the present. Seneca, a popular stoic philosopher, said that one of his friends has a daily ritual by sitting aside a coffin with some wine…

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Read more about the article Letters from a Stoic 31 – Summary and Key Takeaways
Seneca on virtues

Letters from a Stoic 31 – Summary and Key Takeaways

             In letters from a stoic 31, Seneca talks about what is absolute good and bad. He talks about what people normally people see as “good” such as fame and money is not absolute good. The wise old man describes good as something that is not external, true under all circumstances, and cannot be taken away.                 Fame, money, and power are what the Stoics…

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