Read more about the article Stoics on the good, the bad, and the indifferent
Stoics on the good, the bad, and the indifferent

Stoics on the good, the bad, and the indifferent

          The Stoics classify three things as good, bad, and indifferent. The only thing that stoics classify as good is virtues. The four cardinal virtues of the stoics are wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice. Just like any other philosophy, the stoics believe that virtues are enough to live a happy life. The opposite of virtues are vices which the stoics are classified as bad.          The opposite of wisdom…

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Read more about the article Top 5 Movies/Books about Pain and Struggles
When Breath Becomes Air

Top 5 Movies/Books about Pain and Struggles

          I know. If you found the article title from google searches or social media platforms, you will ask “Why would you even read books about pain?”  It may sound counterintuitive but reading about other people’s struggles can lessen the pain of your own. It is one of the popular Stoic techniques called view from above in which whatever you are going through see it through in the grand scheme of…

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Read more about the article How I Write My Core Values and Virtues
What is Stoicism - Main Tenets - Best Quotes - Stoic Philosophers

How I Write My Core Values and Virtues

               In my previous post 5 Main Differences between Values and Virtues, I wrote that values are the things that important to us while virtues are the inner qualities that help us achieve those values. I also said in the last part that it’s important to write our core values and virtues and in this article, I am going to share exactly how I write my own personal values…

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Read more about the article Values vs Virtues
What is Stoicism - Main Tenets - Best Quotes - Stoic Philosophers

Values vs Virtues

               People often use the terms values and virtues interchangeably and that is why sometimes it can be hard to determine the differences between the two. However, there are subtle differences between these terms which I will try to explain in this post as simple as possible.  1. Values - What is important to you?    Virtues – What are your inner qualities?             Values refer to…

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Read more about the article Letters from a Stoic 53– Summary and Key Takeaways
Letters from a Stoic 53 Key TakeAways

Letters from a Stoic 53– Summary and Key Takeaways

               In letters from a stoic 53, Seneca narrated a story when he was traveling to a place called Parthenope in unfavorable weather. He couldn’t handle the seasickness brought about by the waves of the sea so he had to ask the pilot to go to the nearest shoreline. He then proceeded by saying the disease of the soul is worse than the disease of the body. This is…

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