Read more about the article Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Stoicism-Inspired Way to Challenge Your Perception
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Stoicism-Inspired Way to Challenge Your Perception

"Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them.”   Epictetus Tweet This Quote                        This excerpt from the book of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus called Enchiridion is a fundamental basis on Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), the first form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy(CBT).                      In this insightful interview with Jeffrey Mishlove in ThinkingAllowedTV,…

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Top 10 Quotes About Memento Mori From Ancient Stoics

Top 10 Quotes About Memento Mori From Ancient Stoics

[View Handbook]            Memento Mori, a Latin phrase which means “Remember You Must Die”, is a popular practice among ancient stoics to remind themselves of their mortality. This might sound unusual after hearing it for the first time and for some sounds scary but actually it can make one be more appreciative of the present. Seneca, a popular stoic philosopher, said that one of his friends has a daily ritual by sitting aside a coffin with some…

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