Read more about the article Letters from a Stoic 63 Summary and Key Takeaways
Seneca on a dead friend

Letters from a Stoic 63 Summary and Key Takeaways

          In Seneca letter 63, "On Grief for Lost Friends," addresses the emotional response to the death of a friend and offers Stoic wisdom on managing grief. Seneca acknowledges the naturalness of sorrow but advises moderation, promoting a philosophical approach to dealing with loss. This letter serves as a guide on maintaining emotional balance and finding peace after a loved one's departure.          Seneca starts by expressing sympathy…

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Read more about the article Letters from a Stoic 62 Summary and Key Takeaways
Seneca on pursing philosophy over riches

Letters from a Stoic 62 Summary and Key Takeaways

         Letter 62 presents a reflection on personal freedom, the value of self-mastery, and the importance of intellectual companionship over material wealth or social status. Seneca criticizes those who claim they are too busy for philosophical pursuits due to their many "affairs," suggesting instead that true freedom comes from controlling one’s engagements rather than being controlled by them. He shares his practice of using his time for personal reflection and maintaining mental…

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Read more about the article How did Marcus Aurelius die?
In the movie gladiator, Commodus suffocate Marcus Aurelius to death.

How did Marcus Aurelius die?

Table of Contents Introduction          In the epic film “Gladiator”, directed by Ridley Scott, Marcus Aurelius plans to return power from the corrupt Roman Empire to the Senate, hoping to restore republican governance. His vision of a better future does not sit well with his son, Commodus, played by Joaquin Phoenix. In a poignant and climactic scene, Marcus Aurelius informs Commodus of his decision to make General Maximus (Russell Crowe), a loyal…

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Read more about the article Letters from a Stoic 61 Summary and Key TakeAways
Seneca on Death

Letters from a Stoic 61 Summary and Key TakeAways

          In Letter 61, "On Meeting Death Cheerfully," is a profound exposition on accepting and preparing for death as a natural part of life. Seneca uses this letter to emphasize the importance of living well in the present moment, with an awareness of death's inevitability, encouraging a stance of readiness rather than fear. "I am endeavouring to live every day as if it were a complete life." Seneca Tweet This Quote…

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Read more about the article Letters from a Stoic 60 Summary and KeyTakeAways
Seneca on Prayers and living in service to other people

Letters from a Stoic 60 Summary and KeyTakeAways

          In Letter 60, "On Harmful Prayers," focuses on Seneca's criticism of misguided desires and prayers, reflecting on how often people, including those closest to us, wish for things that are not truly beneficial. He elaborates on the Stoic ideal that true blessings come from within and that external desires often lead to discontent and moral decay. This letter is a profound meditation on the nature of desire, the folly of…

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