Read more about the article Top 5 Quotes About Facing Obstacles By the Ancient Stoics
stoicism quotes about facing obstacles

Top 5 Quotes About Facing Obstacles By the Ancient Stoics

               Not only that we prepare for setbacks (premeditation malorum), when obstacles do happen they provide us with an opportunity to strengthen ourselves. The Stoics consistently emphasized that we must change our attitude towards obstacles. The best way to face challenges and hardships is to face it with a growth mindset in that there is always an opportunity to learn and to improve our weaknesses.  Top Quotes About Facing…

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Read more about the article 3 Simple Ways I Remind Myself of Death
What is Stoicism - Main Tenets - Best Quotes - Stoic Philosophers

3 Simple Ways I Remind Myself of Death

                In letters from a Stoic, the Roman Senator and Stoic philosopher Seneca would write to his friend Lucilius to remind him of the shortness of human lives and why we should live it on a per-day basis. To make a point, he would borrow a remark from the philosopher Heraclitus saying “One day is equal to every day.” He goes to explain that “One day is equal…

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Read more about the article Letters from a Stoic 42 – Summary and Key Takeaways
Letters from a Stoic 42 Key TakeAways

Letters from a Stoic 42 – Summary and Key Takeaways

             In letters from a stoic 42, Seneca talks about a friend of Lucilius who claimed that he is a good man. For the Stoics, to be good means to live a life of virtues. Seneca expressed his doubt because first, to be truly good takes time.          Virtues are good habits that need to be built with time. Second, if his friend claims that he is…

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Letters from a Stoic 41 Key TakeAways

Letters from a Stoic 41 – Summary and Key Takeaways

               In letters from a stoic 41, Seneca talks about the God that within us. “God is near you, he is with you, and he is within you.” He then went to talk about nature and said that if we pay attention to it and look at it with awe our “soul will be deeply moved by a certain intimation of the existence of God.” A deep affinity with…

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Read more about the article Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Stoicism-Inspired Way to Challenge Your Perception
What is Stoicism - Main Tenets - Best Quotes - Stoic Philosophers

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Stoicism-Inspired Way to Challenge Your Perception

"Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them.”   Epictetus Tweet This Quote                        This excerpt from the book of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus called Enchiridion is a fundamental basis on Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), the first form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy(CBT).                      In this insightful interview with Jeffrey Mishlove in ThinkingAllowedTV,…

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